01 August 2004

Evaluations of the multiple speakers...

There are many who attended the week(s) that can give better feedback and if they would want to leave a comment about the speakers either individually or the idea please leave a comment.

My feelings is that it took the emphasis off of the speaker and on to the story. It is always easy to fall in love with the speaker but the story then takes a back seat. We talked about the Samaritan Woman at the well which has many stories within the story. That all of our stories really are part of a greater story. Very gestalt. So it worked wonderfully.

Each speaker gave her or his story through this one which added to the relevance and significance to us today. We spoke for a greater calling than just getting saved from Hell but to set people free. I sensed a new identity, "we who believe in freedom" which comes from a song during the civil rights movement, for us to embrace. I don't think it is just that we are Christians but we would, as Jesus said, "finish the work of the Father..." We don't have the power to save but we can go back to our community and say, "Come, let me introduce you to a man who knows everything about me..." who does has saved.


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