15 April 2005

The chef who plays the piano...

I needed to think a bit before heading up to camp and ended up at The Grind. While I am getting ready to think, (get a cup of coffee, plug in my 12" Powerbook G4 (Thanks Jordo), close my eyes, breath deep, sip) in comes a disheveled guy with a cup and sits close by. I don't pay too much attention because I am here to think. Then he starts playing the piano. Yes the Grind has a piano open to the public. I get a little upset, "I can't think with this guy playing the piano!" He keeps on playing and starts playing some cool stuff. I quit thinking and began listening. He plays for about 15 minutes. Then he stops. I thank him. He looks familiar. I introduce myself and he introduces himself. He is a chef at the Tenaya who plays the piano. He told me his kid went to Sugar Pine Camp. We talk a few minutes then he says he needs to head to work.

He was a dad, a son, a husband, a chef, a pianist... There is more to him than meets the eye or the ear (This is why I use the ellipsis)

I wish I could see people who have a lot more sides to them than just the image I see them in at the moment. Their behavior is not who they are. Their job does not define them. They are more than the sum of their parts.

One of the men, who works at Calvin Crest, told me about his family, who is in the midst of trial. I saw his heart, some of his past, and I got a new respect for his present. I saw more to him than just his behavior. I like him more now.

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