06 September 2007

Looking up...

Lately I have found when I walk I look at the ground. I am usually thinking and not paying too much attention to what is going on around me. I pass by people and beauty without thinking too much about it.

Today I resolved to start looking around more in all directions and let the most beautiful scenery influence my day and thoughts...


Bill Ekhardt said...

I loved being back on the grounds for a couple of days. The beauty is palpable. There are many memories associated with those grounds for me. I cast about through my mind to all of the different places I taught lessons as a Lead Counselor, to places where I started and ended relationships, to places where I sat quietly and made some of the most significant decisions in my life before God.

I remember the first breath I would take each year as a camper when I got out of the car and remembered the smell of the evergreen trees and dirt.

I remember the birds flying between the trees in as I laid on my back in the apple orchard praying with my eyes open.

I envy the beauty you have around you, Tony. I hope this time of new resolve will be a blessing.

Janice said...

Palpable...now that's a word that I need to get into my everyday vocabulary.