03 December 2007

Getting old...

It isn't that I am getting old (ok, I am but not old old) but I am starting to do and buy things that old people do and buy. I am getting hair cuts that are easy to maintain. I drive an old truck because I feel more manly because my manly isn't as. I have routines so I remember where I parked my car in the parking lot at Von's. I bought these sunglasses that you see in the picture, not because they makes me cool looking but because they fit over my glasses because I need to drive and read the speedometer. I bought a pair of suspenders. I am starting to like cardigans. I bought a Bible with large type.I also mute the commercials.

But I refuse to buy prunes, hats, magnifying glasses, metamucal, Grecian Formula, polyester slacks with elastic waste and stain resistant material...


Liz said...

Prunes are pretty good. I like them, and I'm still a very young adult. So throw public opinion by the wayside and enjoy one. :D

TonyB said...

Will do Liz... Hey, they taste like Dr. Pepper!!!

Nick said...

I like the hair...

Hey are we not supposed to wear polyester slacks??? Oops.


Eric said...

I absolutely love the reason you bought your sunglasses. Plus, cardigans are totally in style right now, just check out the Urban Outfitters website and you will see!
Also, some of those things are just plain common sense, like having a routine of where you park your car. If my car did not have a remote key where it honked at me, I would never find the darned thing!

James said...

If it makes you feel better, I have to feign ignorance at all but one hardware store in town to get any help or demo things.

But . . . I also have a friend in his mid-70's learning how to make bowls on a lathe.

Don't sweat it. Edlerly can still be pretty hard core, man. ;)