13 November 2008


I have been at a retreat at Lake Tahoe and am realizing what is missing in my soul is liturgy that reminds me of the majesty, power, love of God. Not empty words and form but life giving truth from scripture as told through story and verse. Being led in song and responsive reading engages my mind, heart, and soul. The thought that goes into the planning and design brings inspiration to me. I have the kyrie ringing in my soul throughout the night and following morning.

I think I am going to start writing liturgies.


steven good said...

I think that's a great idea.

Lildra Juanit' said...

That sounds good, Tony. I also have been thinking about the need for liturgy in worship, rather than just those "in leadership" going through the motions, it engages the whole community, and we ALL participate together. Let's meet again soon!

Filatore said...

I'm just glad to see you blogging again....

Bill Ekhardt said...

I am particularly interested in personal liturgy, stuff that we do alone or with a couple of people rather than a large congregation.

Peter Khoy said...

That sound's awesome!!! Wow.