02 September 2003

CT's article...

I don't want to be a small camp guy picking on the megacamps, but in Christianity Today's last month cover story, "God and the Water Slide" (http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/009/3.54.html) it talks mainly of the "stuff" that camp does instead of the opportunity and responsibility of camps. I don't expect CT to look at that, especially if they don't think about it for themselves. It will only be thought of if it affects the bottom line... market shares, etc.

I talked to a sales rep from NavPress about the emerging church and if they are making changes in what they are publishing. He said they began to go after some books but it didn't match up with their (Navigator's) agenda. Too liberal. The book that they were thinking of was Campolo and McLaren's Adventures in Missing the Point. Zondervan picked it up without hesitation.

Do we only concern ourselves with the bottom line but miss the calling to reach out to people asking new questions. Is the truth only limited to Conservation Christianity, or does God speak out into all humanity. Is the gospel only relevant in a culture that is set up to accept it? One that builds monuments in it's lobby, or can it work in a culture that demands the 10Coms being removed. It may be that we have reduced the Gospel to stone and bumperstickers and deny it's power and authority to change lives and to align to His Kingdom not our domain. We sell the same old, same old with new looking covers but the text is still weak and old. Is our programs at our camps the same old stuff that lack His power, authority, life, and Spirit?

We have been given a week of influence in a kid's life, what do we do with it? I know that NBC would love the opportunity we have to manipulate this generation. What are we doing with it?

There are some ideas I am thinking of, later.

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