23 January 2008

I like working with kids...


Liz said...

There's another picture of Bush doing a similar in-school publicity stint with a little girl giving him the "oh nuh-uh" stare. Wish I could remember where I saw it.

Anonymous said...

I bet it's the same girl.

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily support Hillary, but what's funny is that the little girl is not looking at her [Hillary is several inches behind the little girl's trajectory of sight].

It is close enough, however, that the person who took the photo implies that the girl is looking with disapproval. If we interpret the girl as staring off into the distance, we get a completely different take on the meaning of the image.

TonyB said...

There are a number of reasons I like this picture. One is that the girl is sitting next to someone of incredible notoriety and isn't impressed. The contrast of color (skin, clothes, hair, etc.), attitude, and reality.