10 June 2008

The shirt...

No controversy, you say? Then you have never read Genesis 1-3. This makes the Revolution into a tea party.


Anonymous said...

People will not be mad at you for this shirt and yet it is very controversial. I love it. Subversive!!!

Amber Lee said...

I'm excited to hear about the lessons from the staff.

p.s. i liked the reaction out from the other shirts.. it sparked interesting conversations.
hope all is well

TonyB said...

amber and liz,
It is good to hear from you. Things are going well... T

Crotty said...

Inquiring minds (read: immature minds) want to know ... "What's behind the leaf?"


Wish I could hear your thoughts. I LOVE the story of the garden and all that it has to challenge us with. We're working through some stuff from Deut. 8 and 1 Sam. 4 right now. I think I actually get to preach June 29. Pray for that time!!!

Blessings upon your summer!!! Enjoy your times in the desert together and remember those times when you're in the good places.