22 September 2004

Doing a new thing...

I was in Spokane a weeks or so back and was able to see an old friend, Steve Hart. He and his wife, Jamie, are starting a new church, planted in a great part of Spokane called Brown's Addition. I was impressed, as I always am with Steve, he is going out and doing something. He had a little help from a church but this is pretty much his thing. He relocated his family into the neighborhood, which I think is vital to understanding the people with whom he is going to be in relationship. (There is a church I know of that is in a lower income area of Fresno, where the pastor lives in a gated community 5 miles away. That is just bizarre!) It is more than a job but a relationship. He continually teaches me every time I see him. He is not talking about it but giving it a shot. His blog is listed to the right...

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