18 March 2007

Sitting under a citrus tree with a friend...

Last Friday I visited The Dakota House in Fresno to talk with my friend Jamie Barker the Executive Director. I got the tour as well as the love.

I heard stories of redemption and promise as Jamie shared some of her life with me out in the back yard in the garden, under a citrus tree. We were continually interrupted by the kids but it wasn't interrupted in the nuisance kind of interruption. It was an interruption that brings healing instead of agitation. Kiki and Keanu and a couple of beautiful young girls would come out to sit and listen or to show Jamie what they received today for their heart work (a combination of cleaning up and getting along with the other kids). I don't know how long I was there, I lost track of time. It was like waking up from a good afternoon nap only the dream was real.

I like Jamie. I am honored to have gotten to sit in the midst of God's grace and beauty with the sound of hope and the smell of heaven re-hydrating my soul.

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