26 January 2004

It is very difficult...

I preached 3 times this month. To have people looking up at you from their perch grading, judging, hoping you'll say something life changeing or at least entertaining is a lot of pressure. I listened for what I would hear God to say and not rely on my entertaining wit or critical spirit. I delivered the message and hoped it was right. I wanted to be accepted by these people, yet I wanted to speak His words.

The ec needs to be listening for a while, get clear instructions, understand the call, then speak. If we run off half baked we will not have anyone interested nor will we be the mouthpiece for God. We will only equip for the season and not the entire race.

I agree with the conversations from our brothers and sisters of color that this is looking awefully white and male. We need to listen to them, we need to listen to the older generation and not condemn them, we need to listen to God. His plan, His heart, His people.

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