12 January 2005

Fifty-one years...

Today I turn 51. I have decided to make some changes...

Soften my heart for people. Become less critical and try to see their heart before judging them based on their behavior. Let the things that Christ says be more from my mouth instead of what has been downloaded by doctrine and decree. Become a disciple of Christ instead of the men of the pen. To know Him... not just know about Him.

Harden my intolerance for lies and deception. I think there are a lot of paths that are being carved out today that don't lead to anywhere but dispair and ruin. It is time to speak up, create, engage, and evaluate the message that would be as the angel told the shepherds, Simeon and the prophetess told the parents, and the Spirit testifies to us about this Christ who has come to bring peace and abundant life.

I don't want to give up on the body of Christ but I also don't want to tolerate a message of works, style, division, fear, arrogance, academics without the Spirit, towing a line because of affiliation rather than truth...

It is time to not be depressed, tired, apathetic, cynical, helpless, etc. He has not given us a spirit of fear but of boldness... I believe it is so that we would love and make disciples of Christ. I think at this point in my life I have more experience, understanding and I hope His discernment to carry on the next point in my life. So I am not young, trim, good looking with flowing curly hair as I was in my 20s but I think that fades so that it is more about our heart and spirit than our abs and checkbones.

To the next fifty-one...

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