15 March 2005


Genesis 1: 1 -3
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Now the earth was formless and empty.
Darkness was on the surface of the deep.
God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters.
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

God said Let there be... and there was...

I have been listening to people for sometime now and I hear words with old meanings but no present definitions. The don't hold the power that they had when they were first spoken. Gospel, resurrection, repent, forgiven, freedom, praise, saints, Jesus, worship...

Christian words, even the word christian is empty. It use to have great significance as to one who was following Christ, it meant that there was a price on your head for mentioning His name, reading His story, bowing down in remembering His act of love. Now it is a marketing term, a demographic, a militia, a membership, a lobbying group, etc. Something can be christian but have nothing to do with Christ.

I am not trying to make this an issue but rather to point out something. In our conversations, in our witness of the truth of Jesus as we have experienced it, in our speaking back to Jesus our words of love and confession of who He is, and other times in small groups and Bible studies, let us use word that are not clichés but words with power and understanding.

Words that brings the desired results when spoken...

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