I get to watch wonderful things happening all the time. I watch children playing. Friends developing. Correction and love taking place. But it is always a joy, probably my greatest joy is watching when people are in the will of the Creator. This is a picture of Lily Nichols, who is the coordinator of our Outpost program. This last week she and her team of Haas, Tyson, Jessica, and Phillip, had a group of children come up from a ministry in Reedley, California called Christian Youth Ministry. This ministry is under the direction of Sheri Weidenhoefer who is one of my favorite people (there are many - but Sheri is radical and continually stretches me into the shape of Jesus).
I got to watch the children present a card to Lily and give her many hugs, but then they stayed and just hung around her. That is the sign of love, respect, and safety. And the look on Lily's face (you can see it in the photograph) is the look of when you know you are in the will of the Creator. This is what Lily was designed to do.
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