23 October 2007

"Irritating the problem..."

I was invited by Dan Kimball to attend a luncheon put on by the Fresno Met in Fresno today with speaker, Scott McNealy, Chairman and Co-Founder of Sun Microsystems. Who's quote is in the title bar.

Wow. I am still processing many of the things he spoke about. It was a great gift from a great friend. Thanks, Dan. You continue to teach and nurture my thoughts in many ways.


Filatore said...

Don't leave us hanging...we need more.
What, or who, is "irritating the problem"?

Bill Ekhardt said...

same question

TonyB said...

I just liked the way that sounded. Instead of just going along and bitching about it and letting it irritating us I liked that we can begin to irritate the problem. It is a mind set. One that I can appreciate, where others think they need permission to deal with the problem, so they just go along and bitch. Just a thought.

Michelle said...

Just a reminder... call me.
This is not what I'm talking about... theorizing is good, returning phone calls is better.
Irritating the problem... you're about to be able to consider it done.