15 May 2004

A dear one...

This afternoon I heard from Stephanie about the death of one of the summer staff members, Carmen Marrero. She was killed in a car accident.

This was very hard to take. I don't know what to do with it.

I enjoyed the last week of last summer with Carmen. We talked a lot about her faith and her church. She was raised in a Catholic church but did not know much about it. Her faith came from attending Calvin Crest and hanging out with the Presbyterian kids from 1st Presbyterian, Las Vegas.

She told me she was sad because she heard people putting down the Catholics and they didn't know she was one. This caused her deep pain, not only because they were putting the Church down, but what made her the saddest was that she didn't know enough how to defend the Church. I gave her one of my books and bought her a new one about the Church and some basic understanding of its tenets. She was thankful.

I hope she is able to see the blessed Savior, Jesus and His mother, Mary. She will never again hear anyone saying anything bad about His body and His bride. Pray for me.

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