25 May 2004


Reimagining Camp is going to do just that, reimagine camp, this summer. I am inviting the coordinators to look at their beliefs of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Father and design a week of equipping, worship, entertainment, etc for our guests that would come.

If this is what we believe, then this is how we should behave. If we behave in a contrary manner to that which we believe, do we really believe that which we say we believe. I don't think we are acting wrong, I don't think we truly believe that which we think we do. When Paul calls us to think on these things... true, honorable, righteous, pure... do we? Why not. If we are told in scriptures that He is present with those who gather in unity does that cause anything to happen? What does His interceding for us with the Father have to do with our daily lives?

We know, we know, we know, but does it show?

I read of other religions, primitive and tribal, and there is a spiritual reality to their lives. They live out a way that is coordinated with the gods. If the gods say to do something, celebrate something, sacrifice something, they do. There is a spiritual strength they possess because they worship and move in harmony with these gods. They become so intensely spiritually intuitive that they are keenly aware of an enemy approaching their land. Their dreams reveal the future, they are in harmony with the land and all of creation. Their worship is... (I am freaking you out about now. Has Tony gone off the deep end?)

We don't, we are much too civilized. But is there a spiritual reality we miss in our civility? That is what I am exploring this summer.

Time is short, we must love in real time today.

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