I know too many who are reactionaries and never proactionary. Instead of giving out a cup of water to those who are thirsty, and who isn't thirsty, they pass out tracts and judgement to those who already feel condemned. It becomes like the criminal who just when on a rampage and killed three people, robbed a bank, and jaywalked and now has a cop hostage and the cop says, "you need to let me go because this just became a federal offense." The bad guy says, "It doesn't matter, I am already condemned to die."
When I walked out after Little Miss Sunshine there was someone from church in the lobby and she asked me what movie we saw and I pointed to the theater and she said, "The 'R' rated one?!" I didn't even know it was R rated. But to define it as JUST the "R rated one" is very shallow.
I would ask that we don't judge until New Years and start handing out more cups of cold water and tell them of the Lover of their Soul and Flesh, the Creator of Cold Water, and spend time with them instead of straight arming them into the abyss of indifference.
Those who don't know Jesus will think it odd until they see the love of Jesus in us. But they will continue to think it odd when we are in their faces condemning them. They are not the enemy. They may vote against what we believe to be true and right until they see truth served up in love and in a cold cup.
There I said it...
I love it... leave out the judging and pass out the love... as freely as we have been given it...
should I watch it?
Yes you should watch it! ;)Sorkin dated a Christian and this show is his next work after portraying most Christians as judgmental nutballs on the West Wing. Tony-did you like the part where the Christian affected the lights?I did. Yeah...we can do that. ;-) ha ha haha...
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