07 September 2006


As I was preparing for this weekend's conversation at Open Door in Walnut Creek, it is causing me to think about some stuff of worship and ministry. I like gathering with people who are serving God by serving people. Our worship is different than gathering with people who haven't thought much about God since last time we gathered.

I am not judging these people (maybe I am), but I like hearing stories of faith rather than complaints about music or the sermon. A good sermon or a moving song are bonuses to worshipping The Quiet Voice...


Deadmanshonda said...

Amen, brother, amen.;)

James said...

As a, well, musician I guess, the music's really the least compelling part of a service to me. I love journaling through it when I'm on my own, but my friends are a large part of what push and enable me through the week until next sunday.

I'll risk sounding like I don't believe in God for a second with this next thing because I know people who know me understand what I'm trying to say. People help us know we're not alone. When I'm feeling short of breath, a friend's touch on my back usually feels a lot better than an instrument in my hands.

Janice said...

This reminded me of something I read yesterday...

"Elijah was standing on the mountain to meet God. First there came a hurricane, but God was not in the hurricane. Then there came an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake. Then followed a fire, but God was not their either. Finally there came something very tender, called by some a soft breeze and by others a small voice. When Elijah sensed this, he covered his face because he knew that God was present."

The Return of the Prodigal Son - Nouwen

John H. Watson said...

I too like worshipping with others who are seeking God in their everyday lives, just like I prefer playing ball with folks who know how to play and talking Plato with those who have read him.

Yes, it is difficult to eat with those who don't know they are hungry. But as my former Kitchen-coordinator wife might remind me, the food still needs to be served . . .

TonyB said...

MJW, I don't think it is about those who are hungry and don't know it, but those who are full and never share it...