25 September 2006

Jesus Camp...

Oh boy, Dan...

I watched some clips and the trailer from the documentary, "Jesus Camp." I really don't know what to say that I haven't already said.

But I have to address the line from the trailer, "This means war... this means war!" and then it says, "Are you a part of it or not?" I do believe there is a battle for the minds of children, but what this film is missing is the heart. Minds need to be renewed, hearts need to be won. And that battle is not mind altering propaganda, but truth spoken in love and grace.

I am not worried about what this will do to the ministry of CalvinCrest. I am more worried about the message this sends to the outcast, the marginalized, those who seek hope...

In an appropriate email I got today, it said... "Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one bungler destroys much good."

Oh boy...

I would hope that one wouldn't look at this as representative of a faith in Jesus, as one wouldn't look at the Democratic National Convention as a representation of democracy...


Cory PiƱa said...

That kid totally had a mullet.

Eliacin said...

I am looking forward seeing this film.


Geoff said...

wow. what? mullet? sick. so many thoughts.

James said...

I had a conversation with another counselor during week in the forest regarding religion in schools - which usually means christianity in the classroom - and why I prefer it not be there. My thoughts were primarily that I don't want it to be entrusted to curriculum and that it would be sending a message to many that whichever subject that gets diminished isn't worth much. Especially since it'd probably be one of the few arts remaining. That trailer (editing and scripting considered) makes me feel even stronger about this. Who really thinks the boy in the orange shirt came up with the tone and walk himself? That's learned behavior.

Dakota House said...

I got angry when I saw this trailer.

Too angry.

on the Rock said...

Did anyone get to see the interview this morning on ABC? It was a really good. The trailer on their site is confusing, I'll admit. However, the interview this morning said so much as to the heart of the matter of the "fight" we face, all Christians of all ages, genders, socio economic status, (yes, even the mullet-people) etc. Isn't it so that the middle eastern terrorists are attacking certains sins of Europe and the USA through physical violence? And isn't it so that Jesus told us that the fight is not a physical battle, rather a spiritual one?
As one who also accepted Christ into my heart during my childhood years, I clearly remember a distinct day when my heart was so convicted by the sin and suffering of the world I also broke out in tears one day - not at a church, but in the middle of a usual day at home. Children have a completely different yet highly relevant way of understanding salvation and building the kingdom.
I can't help but constantly remember the verses in the Bible, that we are to have faith like that of a child is capable of. A child's faith is real, it's raw, it's unafraid, it's true, it's genuine, it's concentrate and not yet watered down.

Yes, the trailer is totally wierd. But the interview on ABC clarified so much.

Simon said...

It's not a mullet, it's a duck tail. Big difference.