27 January 2007

Just so that we don't leave out C.S. and Kirk...

Again, I am not saying we should do without seminaries any more than we should do without camps and conferences.
I am not saying we should do without good theology.
I am not saying we should do without ivory towers where one removes themselves from the common man.
I am not saying we should do without good intellectual understanding of the Word of God.
I am not even saying we should do without Kirk Cameron and his banana.

Are we doing the will of God or are we just perpetuating a system of man? Has the institution isolated itself intellectually, socially, emotionally, economically, and spiritually from the guy who is wanting to be saved now?

Basically, fundamentally, rhythmically that is my question. And will be until I die or go to work for Hot Dog On A Stick.


Bill Ekhardt said...

"Are we doing the will of God or are we just perpetuating a system of man?"

As an administrative leader this question was always on my heart. When I see a church that has aged and is declining I hear from them a longing to become a vital institution again. I ask instead, what could you accomplish for Christ if you would stop sending your energy and attention toward getting young families and instead looked at the needs of the world around you and sought how God could use the resources He's given you to be his hands and feet in the world.

Geoff said...

I would buy that hot dog for sure.