29 January 2007

Wonderful discussion in the previous post...

We the congregant tend to rely on leaders yet refuse to let them lead us sometimes. We put many on a pedestal and when we find out they are human we crucify them and revel in their bleeding. Of course this is nothing new. We love to make them superstars and then become riveted to the television to watch the police chase their white Ford Bronco and the ensuing courtroom drama. We knife them in the Market place... "Et tu, Brute?"

I had a great pastor, who taught always with the view of developing people to lead others and self. He provided a safe place to worship that wasn't too encumbered by technology but would take advantage of modern marvels. Many times the power would go out and we would continue to worship, many with eyes closed and arms lifted high. Acoustic guitars quieted but not silenced, would continue to lead us. Much of the service was about worship - instruction, music, conversations, all directed us to the Great Throne of the King.

Senior pastor was incredible, yet so were the associates. All bringing us to the Throne through a different hallway... but we always arrived.

This attracted people who were very involved in creating and managing ministries throughout Fresno. Incredible ministries started. The institution didn't start the program, the Body of Christ did. Home groups started up out of ministry not program. People came because they knew they would be fed, challenged, and encouraged to go out and ministered. We could do that because we had entered the Throne Room of the Great King and were empowered to do the work of the Kingdom.

I learned a lot...


TonyB said...

There is a whole lotta ethos going on here...

I think the point is being missed if the outcome of this post was an either or situation. At that church, my friends who were Baptist called us Pentecostal and the friends who were Pentecostal called us Baptist. I would hate to classify this as an either or situation but rather a possibility solution. It was about entering into a time of worship which filled us up emotionally and intellectually, as well as equipping us with truth that set many free to do the work of the Kingdom. The arguments were small and no on criticized the intellect of the service or winced at words misspelled in the bulletin...

Geoff said...

I am searching for a place for us to dine, umong other activities.