13 October 2004


I am not bored with life but bored with the offerings that use to mean something. I am thinking I need to pack lighter and enjoy more along the way instead of needing more and attaining stuff. I like to visit people and hear stories more than watching television. I sat last Tuesday night and listen to Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz, speak. Maybe I should go to the university in Fresno and see who is speaking there. Don opened my eyes because he did not speak like the others it was not a christian message as much as a brother in Christ sharing his life. Does that make sense? So often we go to hear christian messages that don't affect our life. Our summer staff sang one of James Taylor's song, Shed a Little Light for a concert and some of the people asked if we could change the words, "Let us turn our thoughts today to Martin Luther King..." to "Let us turn our thoughts today to Jesus Christ our King..." Why, because they were unable to listen to anything that was not CHRISTIAN. We keep closer to doctrine than truth.

Go figure...

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