14 June 2007


I have been reading and thinking a lot about the concept of microfinancing and microcredit. Dr. Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank won the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below. Lasting peace can not be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty. Micro-credit is one such means. Development from below also serves to advance democracy and human rights." According to The Norwegian Nobel Committee.

I am probably very late to the party on this and most of you have been reading and hearing about this since 13 October 2006 when the committee declared their recipient of the prize. But I am new to economics and am pretty slow at understanding these things. But I am intrigued by Dr. Yunus and making it happen on a larger scale than just a village.

This concept started me thinking about investment and what we invest in. In talking to the summer staff a couple of nights ago I asked them what they were doing with the education that has been invested by someone for them? When is the "note due?" I want to challenge them to begin the process of paying off the investment by making microinvestments in others so that others may have an opportunity to later invest in others who may ha...

Who has invested in us? (Of course, Jesus, but lets move out of Sunday School for a second and think) What was laid down so that we could rise up? We who have been invested with breath, what are we doing with it? We who have been invested with the words that are true and faithful, according to Revelation 22, what are we doing with it? Arguing about insignificance or are we setting people free to deeply breathe? I look at the world and notice that we have much in comparison to the rest of the world, and what are we doing with it?

My life is changing...


Michelle said...

I was shaped by micro-investors at every turn throughout my life, but two sets really stand out.

Mrs. Salvo, my 6th grade teacher. She befriended my mother and helped her understand the blessing of being a single parent.

The Converse's, a family from the church where I attended youth group. They opened there home for me to shower when our water got turned off. They would ask me hard questions about breaking cycles and dreaming. They solicited colleges for applications on my behalf, convinced that I didn't really want to be a truck driver.

I want to live like these people... seeing potential... understanding sowing.

Defensor Pacis said...

I think Bill E. has been talking about this idea for a while. It's something that folks from all over the political spectrum should be able to support . . .

Anonymous said...

My wife loved Yunus' book and we're giving it out to our dads for Father's Day. I'm excited to read it.

Deadmanshonda said...

Good LORD Tony you're hitting heavy topics....immigration reform, microlending...etc. etc. How do you have time to think of this while preparing for hundreds of kids to come up and take dumps in the showers? Why they do that I will never know....

Thanks for the reflections. I always enjoy them.

TonyB said...

Leisel, that is why I am thinking about microlending instead of macro pooping... I appreciate your ability to understand.

Bill Ekhardt said...

I do love micro loans, Tony. As Micah suggests, I think that this is a form of liberating the poor that affirms republican ideals of responsibility and self reliance. I started my interest when I met a woman in Manilla who sold fish in her neighborhood. With the $50 loan she got from a micro-lender, she started this fish selling business and put her three kids through college.

I've invested in the Philippine's bank, but I'm interested in investing in Grameen, too.

As to people who invested in me, you were certainly one of them. As to who I am investing in, right now I'm pouring my life into three little kids. I'm trying to write for practical ministry (camping no less! I long to talk to you someday about it.) in my doctoral work. It is shaping me if it bears no fruit for anyone else.

I am glad you are laying the challenges out, Tony. I pray your staff invests with great rewards.

Bill Ekhardt said...

Leis, you make more references to bathroom humor more often- and more effectively -than anyone I know.

TonyB said...

You can take the girl off Accommo but you can't take Accommo out of the girl...