14 June 2007

What I like about what I get to do...

Last night during worship and singing with the staff, I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I opened my eyes there was Kirsten, the coordinator of our Out Post program, standing in front of me asking if I could step outside. I was going to be speaking to the staff after a song or two so I thought, "oh, oh, something has happened."

So I walked behind the coordinator, who is usually pretty reserved, very organized, and not given to affectionate banter with me. When I got outside she turned around and gave me a great hug and said, "Thank you, I love my job."

She had just got off the phone with Jamie, who is bringing up her "For Girls Only" club from The Dakota House in Fresno next week, so the coord was just doing some last minute logistics to make it a great week for them. She had never met Jamie so instead of going through my relationship with her I asked her to call her and get the info direct. I knew what was going to happen. She would fall in love with Jamie just as I have. She would get excited about what could happen next week when the girls, some who have never left the neighborhood, come up and start climbing Fresno Dome, sleep outside, see the stars, find men and women who will love them without expecting anything in return, and some great food.

And then I saw it. I saw in her eyes the eyes of Jesus. Excited about caring for the girls coming up. Excited about knowing what she and her team had to offer them. Excited about seeing the WONDER they will get when they walk among the Giants in the redwood grove. Ready to love...


Anonymous said...

"Excited about seeing the WONDER they will get when they walk among the Giants in the redwood grove."

. . . one of the many things I loved about working Outdoor Ed. I hope you get to join some of these groups when they walk the trail for the first time.

Defensor Pacis said...

That's excellent. Thanks for sharing this.

Deadmanshonda said...

I love her job too. Er...I did. I'm going to go climb under my windowless desk here and cry now....;)

Thanks for sharing. This is great.

Deadmanshonda said...

Oh yes-- and I was just telling lindsey last night about when Jamie's kids came up we were all sitting 'round a campfire when we'd taken them off to camp and telling funny stories to one another. Everyone was laughing and smiling and having such a splendid time telling funny stories. Then this chubby, cute, black girl, who was laughing to begin with started her own story-- she goes "Yeahhhh and one time I took a spatula and I heated it up on the stove, and then I slapped my brother across the face with it and it was sooo funny!!!" and proceeded to fall over onto her sleeping bag giggling while the rest of us suddenly stopped laughing and sat there stunned. Akward. Shocked.

Love it.