I have been praying a lot, thinking a lot, listening to people a lot, and I decided to go for it anyway. It is not that I don't care what some of you think, but I have to be faithful to what I think God is thinking. I felt like the design and theme was important to the message and I think this is the design that God gave me for this summer. Therefore I stayed with it.
I think that we are in a time of revolution against a culture that has turned being a disciple into a commodity. We have made it into a political force. We have turned it into culture that studies the truth instead of living by the truth. This culture is generated by my self. My self is fearful, so it tries to be comfortable, controlling, and cool. Instead of being submitted, faithful, righteous, and intimate. In trying to be unique, I have sold out to conformity to those who are seeking their own identity instead of Christ's. I want what I am passionate about instead of for what He is passionate enough to die. It is more than just a social gospel, it is a life truth.
This is more than sinning with alcohol, drugs, porn, lust, etc. This is sinning by conforming to this world. Conforming to my fears. Conforming to someone's ideals, not Jesus' way.
I know BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... you run a camp, a christian camp, and this is just a well intentioned adjustment. A very cliched word right now. Revolution is used in books by some good authors and you are just jumping on the band wagon. What difference do you think you can make with a theme and a shirt.
Ummm. Gee. I hope to speak the truth. I am going to ask people to renounce their preconceive notions of religion and begin to look at scripture, starting with the sermon on the mount and ask ourselves will I follow this teaching? Not add my rationalizations, just follow it. Will it change, fundamentally change, the way I think? Will it change, fundamentally change, the way I look at people and myself? Will it open my eyes, ears, heart, mind, and strength to live a human life responsive to the love of Jesus or will I continue to fit in to a culture that doesn't really trust in the WAY of Jesus?
Today it begins...
hello - i've stumbled across your blog and wanted to drop a note. i want to encourage you, altho i don't really know you. thanks for seeking the Lord and for pursue what's on His heart. it will revolutionize a people who are longer for Truth and the Way. may your light shine brighter and brighter as Christ radiates thru you. i'll be praying for you and the changes at the camp. may young people and their leaders come to know Christ deeper thru the change in your heart.
Tony, thanks for following Christ with such courage. I appreciate this symbolism because it does evoke more than just sentiment within me. It reminds me that, as a follower of Christ, more than sentiment is required of me.
It's the right revolution because it's Christ's Revolution. May we all be reminded that it's our revolution too.
By the way, how can I get me one of them shirts?
Tony! God bless your summer, your staff, and the people they will serve. We join you from afar! Let the revolution begin! Your shirt and your statement(s) motivate me - challenge me - and encourage me! God bless!
Love it, love your thoughts, love your honesty, love you.
Blessings this summer.
I like it-- see you Saturday!
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